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Prof. Dr. Luis M. Sánchez-Ruiz

President-Elect, IFEES and Director Latin America Affairs Area, UPV


Prof. Dr. Luis M. Sánchez-Ruiz, F.SEFI, is full professor of Applied Mathematics at ETSIADI (Technical University of Valencia UPV, Spain). He serves as President Elect of the International Federation of Engineering Education Societies (IFEES), and UPV Director of Latin American Affairs Area. Additionally, he is Co-Chair of the EEDC European Engineering Deans Council, and Consultant Professor at NPU (Xi’an, China). Luis has held esteemed positions such as Vice President of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI), UPV Director for Prograrns with the US/Canada and Asia/Pacific, and UPV Director for Research and Innovation. He is also actively involved in various capacities with the CESAER (Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engíneering Education and Research). Furthermore, he is a member of the Academic Board for BEng in Aerospace Engineering at ETSIADI and coordinates the UPV’s GRIM4E (GRoup of lnnovative Methodologies and assessment For engineering Education).

Visiting Scholar at the University of Florida on several occasions, he has been Academic Coordinator of several transnational EACEA programmes involving universities from India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Bhutan, Nepal, USA, Italy, and Spain, and participated in projects with institutions or education ministries from Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Bulgaria, UK, Austria, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, and China. He has participated in international events hosted by ASEE, Zhejiang University and Education Committee of Chinese Academy of Engineering, IIIT, CAST, FEAIP, CSEE, ICEE at Tsinghua University, WEEF, LACCEI or ASEF, among others. Currently, Board Member of Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae, Fractal and Fractional, and Guest Editor of several special issues of scientific journals.

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